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First Presbyterian Church
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Our ministries grow out of our Statement of Mission: To Engage with the lost; Establish in Faith; Equip to Serve: and Empower to Go. That means we endeavor to provide relevant, meaningful worship, engaging mission and
courageous outreach. Our ministries include:

The Hesed Project

The Hesed Project is an initiative, born our of a concern for homeless children and is intended to break the cycle of abandonment and abuse of High School students and help them understand that they are precious children of God and not mistakes or disposable.  This will be acheived by providing basic needs as well as supporting and encouraging them to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

The Shepherd's Table

In partnership with the 1st Congregational Church, we prepare and serve a meal once a month for those in the community who are challenged with hunger and loneliness. This ministry seeks out families as well as singles, the young and not so young. It is a ministry based on the reality that hunger and loneliness does not respect age, race, gender or socio-economics. This ministry is carried out in an atmosphere of love, safety, compassion and fellowship.

The Food Pantry & Farmer's Market

In order to meet the need of hunger in the community, we provide free bags of groceries equal to approximately three meals. Resourced by food supplies through the Iowa Food Bank, bags are distributed once a month. During the summer months, the distribution occurs during the Farmer’s Market. Food is also distributed on an “as need” basis to those needing food assistance at other times in the month.

    321 N. 5th St., Burlington, IA 52601

    Office Hours

    Mon. Wed. Fri.: 1:30pm-4:30pm

    Tue. Thurs.: 9:00am-1:00pm

    Phone Number
